Seohan Group has made the following efforts to adopt compliance management:
- Raised the need to adopt compliance control activities to prevent violations of law
- Recruited additional attorneys in charge of compliance support
- Established compliance guidelines
- Implemented the compliance guidelines
Compliance guidelines are standards and procedures of compliance control that the executives and employees must follow when performing their duties for compliance management.
A compliance officer is a person who checks whether or not an executive or employee is complying with the compliance guidelines (compliance control duties) and provides education and training on the compliance guidelines to executives and employees (compliance support duties).
Compliance control duties are mainly carried out through inspections, and compliance support duties are mainly carried out through education and consultation.
The Commercial Act established compliance guidelines for listed companies with more than 500 billion KRW in total assets and endowed them with the duty to hire compliance officers.
There is no company within the Seohan Group that meets the above requirements. But due to the nature of the manufacturing industry, where legal risks are scattered throughout, there is an urgent need for compliance management inside and outside of the group. Therefore, we have prepared compliance guidelines and appointed compliance officers for compliance management.
A. Board of Directors and CEOThe Board of Directors decides the compliance guidelines and related matters, and the CEO operates the compliance control system. The Board of Directors and the CEO supervises the compliance control system by receiving reports on compliance control from compliance officers.
B. Compliance Control CommitteeThe Compliance Control Committee is composed of the Planning Department's Head of Planning and Coordination, the Legal Team leader and members, the Business Management Team leader, and the compliance officers. The committee receives reports on activities by the compliance officers and coordinates the relationship between the compliance officers and other departments. Also, the committee may directly conduct compliance inspections to check the compliance with compliance guidelines.
C. Compliance OfficersCompliance officers conduct compliance training and inspections according to the compliance guidelines, and report the results to the CEO, the Board of Directors, and the Compliance Control Committee.
Regular compliance training, compliance training during onboarding, and special compliance training are conducted.
Compliance inspections are conducted as regular inspections, specific inspections, and routine inspections.
Compliance officers may recommend rewards or promotions for those who have contributed to the prevention or reduction of legal risks.
For those who do not cooperate with compliance inspections, the Compliance Control Committee may, after receiving such reports from compliance officers, request necessary measures or disciplinary action from the head of the relevant departments.
Compliance officers may request in writing to the head of a department improvement measures, disciplinary action against the person in charge, or other measures regarding matters that need improvement due to illegal or unreasonable results of compliance inspections.
The head of the relevant department must take the above corrective measures and notify the compliance officer.
If a compliance supervisor discovers matters that require improvement due to being illegal or unreasonable, he or she may report them to the team leader or Chief Compliance Supervisor, or report them directly to the compliance officer.
The team leader or Chief Compliance Supervisor must notify the compliance officer of the relevant details.
If a person whose duty is to report intentionally or through gross negligence fails to report such matters, he or she will be deemed as having the same responsibilities as the person how committed the illegal or wrongful act.